Is a Shark a Mammal
Many people think that sharks are mammals but in fact they are not mammals but a kind of fish belonging to cartilaginous fish. Sharks have no such glands. Are Sharks Mammals Or Fish And Other Shark Facts Convergent Evolution Shark Facts Shark This is a question our. . Unlike whales sharks are not mammals but belong to a group of cartilaginous fishes. Why is the GREY nurse shark a. Among the fish the shark is a very large one and. Sharks do not have any mammalian features in their bodies. Mammals have glands which secrete milk. Sharks breathe through their gills rather than lungs which is another prerequisite for entrance into the class. Sharks are not mammals. Answer 1 of 12. These characters closely resemble the fishes. The characteristics that make a mammal a mammal include pres- ence of hair or fur warm-blooded young born alive mammary glands and complex brain. Why are sharks not catego...